Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Winning Hand

Today President Trump announced that America's farmers will be sending some of their crops to China. Is this not the winning hand for Americans?
A purchase of — from 40 to 50 billion dollars’ worth of agricultural products.”
Hopefully, this means that China and the USA are becoming friends with their citizens desire in mind.
About Congress; "Through legislative debate and compromise, the U.S. Congress makes laws that influence our daily lives. It holds hearings to inform the legislative process, conducts investigations to oversee the executive branch, and serves as the voice of the people and the states in the federal government."
I included the above to remind us what Congress is supposed to be doing.
As a senior citizen I do not worry about my future so much as I am concerned fo the children. For they will inherit the mess or successes of we adults. Their lives depend on what we do, say, and implement.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A Conservative Movement

A 'conservative movement' is where people seek change, but only the smallest of changes.
Ida Temple decided to begin a Conservative Movement not so much as to push politics but so that the young might learn what it is to be conservative and on how to keep the United States of America free for all.
When we stand up together then we win. But if we do not then we are harmed and could lose all that we the people have gained or desire for the children who are voiceless and often follow the ways of adults.
Adults are the teachers and children are the students who will learn the meaning of love, life and living in the freest nation that God ever gave to humanity.
Children will most often as not follow in an adult’s footsteps! Whether right or wrong.
Ida M temple

Sunday, October 6, 2019

United We Aill Stand

As you see I have begun a new organization entitled "United We Will Stand", with the hope that many Americans will join me in this organization. All they need to do is email me their email address, (used for only this), and I will see to it that they receive the latest updates on it. I thank all who believe we need such an organization and are willing to stand up and fight for our rights.
Why are some young green congresswomen wanting to destroy this nation?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
The above photo and some of this young woman’s remarks from the Fox News website. I personally have been keeping up with “The Squad,” the newest women elected to Congress. They seem to be unaware of the history of this great nation and on why the Constitution was formed.
Free Speech has been given to all Americans. But I have a problem when some abuse it and want to bring our nation down, Ms. Cortez is constantly putting forth issues she wishes to have as law without regards to the citizens, (born and Legally), or in some cases who will pay for some of her latest programs.
AOC pushes national rent control, welfare for illegal immigrants in latest massive proposal. It includes rent control for all including illegal immigrants and in which she calls the “just society.”
Do we need some of her proposals, yes? But only if the citizens vote for them when or if they are placed on the ballot.
The citizens vote in those they wish to do our bidding for us which in turn is then up to the citizens if they wish to have the proposals become law. When those elected push their own agenda, is that not how Castro and Khrushchev, communist leaders, became rulers of their nations and dictated what the citizens are to do and not to do?
Sure, sounds as if this woman is following in the above footsteps of two of the most disliked dictators in the world. How about you?
Ida Temple
United We Will Stand

Saturday, October 5, 2019

United We Will Stand

Below is a small insert of Ida's United We Will Stand. If you would like to receive this every week, just send her your email. That is all it be used for unless UWWS has an upcoming event, or you don't want the newsletter. If you wish not to be informed, just let her know here or at idarites68@ggmail.com.

Quote of the Week:
Today, I choose the higher road -
the path of charity, acceptance, love, selflessness, kindness.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Because of eye problems, last week's newsletter was not able to go out. Having rectified it, I will try to keep it short and to the point.

Pennsylvania Updates:
Congresswoman Madeleine Dean points to the large percentage of people who support universal background Checks as proof that Congress must sign gun reform legislation. She also believes that gun violence is an epidemic in the United States.
Pennsylvania State Motto
The Pennsylvania state motto first appeared in 1778 on the coat-of-
arms designed by Caleb Lownes of Philadelphia.  
Your bathroom and the medicine cabinet
Safe things for your Medicine Cabinet:
• Toothbrush – Stays germ-free
• First-aid Kit – The medicine is a tremendous and hand place for  this.
• Digital Thermometer – It can withstand heat, so they are safe.
Tweezers, nails clippers, and other tools -  Often lost when placed elsewhere.
Things you should never store in the Medicine Cabinet
• Medicine -  heat, and moisture can cause pills and capsules to become less potent. Medicine that has prematurely expired can be dangerous and harmful.
• Razors - moisture and humidity can cause the blades to rust before you use them. 
• Vitamin C - heat sends its potency packing, so store those serums and moisturizers someplace else.

Ida’s Thoughts:
Americans, are we so blind that we cannot see?
The title refers to democrats who left their jobs, still getting paid, and went the responsibilities to citizens to campaign for President.
For the life of me, I cannot see what is so wrong with Pes. Trump. He has done as much as possible for this nation and the citizens than most Democrats will or would ever have done.
Why are most citizens led like sheep with no backbone or ambition to protect this nation and the children from people wishing to destroy the USA? I would instead go hungry and broke than cater to anybody who puts this nation down and the citizens who did not vote.
All of us must do everything possible to protect, preserve, and keep the United States safe. Not just for adults but for the children who do not have a voice or choice on what could happen to them.
I appeal to you to think about what we the citizens must do to keep our nation free as well as respected by other countries of this world. Respect is earned, never given freely. Have we earned it; do you believe it?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Our Police are being murdered daily.

Police are being murdered daily by a criminal who are free on bail or released from jail after serving a short sentence.
Today there have been 31 police officers killed. When will the honorable American citizens begin to protest this, vigorously?
Anyone that commits murder must spend the rest of their lives in prison.
When will we wake up that most murdered cops lose their lives and that their children have lost their father or mother?
We must set a law of “Carry a gun during a crime and never be free again.” And if someone murdered; no release, out on bail, or taking years to answer for such horrendous acts.
Sadly, as it often happens, corrupt cops are reported more often than the good cops who are making a difference with kindness.
We must never judge cops by those few who are horrible human beings.  COPS, “CARING ORDINARY PEOPLE SAVERS”
How often have we been criticized for judging others because of their differences, languages, or jobs? Do COPS deserve not to be judged because of a few bad ones?
They ask for very little but respect and a thank you.
Please thank him or her for being so willing to place their life on the line for strangers.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

United We Will Stand

To the 911 Responders and their families
As most of today's adults are aware of it has been 19 years since the horrible attack against our nation. May God bless these families and protect them.
The United States lost many courageous Citizens who gave up their lives for the rest of us. To the families of our heroes Ida Temple’s heart goes out to you.
We must ever forget how vulnerable we the citizens of this great nation are. Often, we turn the other cheek and forgive those who wish to harm us. The terrorists then and now know this and will do whatever they can to destroy us, not only from our nation but from those across the world. We must never forget this!
When we the citizens of the United States of America stands United, we will not be defeated, bullied and remain the freest in the world and the envy of many.
Thank you, God, for this gift and blessings.
Ida Temple
United We Will Stand

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Whatever is wrong is now right in California

The latest news on the governor of California I he wants suspension stopped in schools of problem students.
Having live in the LA area for over 20 years, I learned how many criminals were forgiven for being weak and not able to speak or understand English. It seems that today, as well as then, that we enable illegal immigrants because of one excuse or another.
This is not to say I am against legal immigration I am not. But no matter, if anyone breaks our laws or shows disrespect for America needs to be held responsible and answer to the consequences.
If we do not have or honor the laws of the land then there is havoc and no longer a free “Nation Under God,”
I was taught by my Mother to show respect, do not take something that is not mine, and above all, be honest, don’t lie.
Today in the world but mostly in the United States that are not accepted. The more you lie, steal, be dishonest. The more you are accepted by many in this nation.
I thank God for protecting through my 79 years and for allowing me to be born in this great nation and giving me the parents, I had. They believed in following the Ten Commandments. But I guess that is of the olden days and not fit for today!
Ida Temple

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Another Police Shooting

These brave men and women are willing to place their lives on the line for strangers. But they receive very little respect or thanks for giving up their life when needed.
I cannot understand why the above is happening and why our government, as well as the citizens do not desire in putting a stop to this!
Most of us want to blame the guns instead of putting the blame where it belongs, on bad people who want what others have worked hard to achieve and will do anything to get it. Guns are not the culprit, excuses and not being held responsible for is to blame.
The number of people murdered daily in the United States varies each year. In 2016, there were approximately 15,696 murders, which breaks down to about 43 murders daily, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigations. https://www.reference.com/government-politics/many-people-murdered-day-united-states-4ce42c4182d89232
Why do these keep happening? My suggestion is we, (our government), must be tougher on immigration and those who join gangs and cause Havoc, as well as murders. Both groups seem to receive a slap on the wrist. And the citizens must backup the government when prosecuting the murderers whether they are illegal immigrants or U.S. citizens.
Most of the USA citizens are Christians, such as me, and we are taught to turn the other cheek. However, we must say enough is enough in order to make others answer to our laws that the honorable citizens do every day?
Do not call me bigoted because of the nationality or races of these murders that take place daily. Are we supposed to overlook these evil happenings because of races or nationalities?
We have a Constitution, Democracy and faith, and we have always been for the underdog. But turning the other check is becoming one-sided, difficult and we often question ourselves on what to do and why do others get away with things we do not or cannot?
Ida M Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Monday, August 5, 2019

Responsibility begins at home with Mom and Dad

News media and many others blame those who commit violent acts and want them held for their actions. And they should be. However, we must ask where did these young people learn such violent ways on how to answer to those who might disagree with them?
Parent’s had either ignored their child’s angry attitude or permitted them to use violent words and deeds to solve their problems. Why are these parents not held responsible for their child’s actions?
Many will say a parent cannot control their children. I disagree by using the following statement.
When my brother was a teenager, he wanted a 22 rifle. It took a long time before my father and brother convinced Mom to give in. It came with restrictions. My brother could not have or use the rifle unless he was with Dad. And when it wasn’t used Mom had Dad take the rifle apart and hid the parts all over the house. This was done when we were in school so my brother could not find the gun and use it without Dad around. Apparently, that was old school for it occurred over sixty-five years ago.
Today children have rights as if they are adults and do not have to answer for their bad actions. Could this be lack of serious discipline such as privileges taken away for very long periods or like the proverb states, “Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child>”
A spanking never hurt a child other than their ego. I ought to know, Mom spanked me once for being rude or disrespectful; do not remember which. My ego was hurt more because Mom spanked me than the spanking did. After all, I had pants on.
When will adults learn from animals as they teach their young to behave? Have they ever watched a mother slap the cub or kitten, not that hard but well placed, and how quickly the baby animal behaved? Of course, many will say that is violence.
Again, adults are mistaken. A child that is beaten is s violent act and must never be,  but the quick slap on the butt that is covered leaves an impression on their ego, not their body. Sometimes it takes a solid awakening before any of us get the picture of how we treat others.
Words are for teaching just as spanking teaches us right from wrong because of our own actions.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

America the Beautiful

Yes, the United States of America is just that, beautiful. Not only are the nations countryside but its people. We often complain about something but then most do their best to find a solution.

This is what a Democratic country and its residents often do. The best result is when the adults behave respectfully for the children to follow. Hence, we the people, (all of us), end up secure and happy during our lifetime.

God blessed this nation and the citizens of it. For this we are ever so grateful. Could this be why we the people strive to assist other people and nations of the world to be like the United States of America?

Ida M Temple
Mansfield Tea Party.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Guns are not the problem; we the citizens are!

With more killings of innocent people over the weekend many blame guns for these deadly problems. But are they really?

When do we the people begin to hold gang bangers, and hateful selfish and nasty people responsible for such horrible actions? Taking guns away will not stop murders.

Those who commit such horrible actions need to be put in jail, segregated and never be free again. And if they are immigrants, illegal or otherwise, they need to be sent back to their own country. A border wall will ensure that they and other criminals are not able to get back into this nation.

There are some citizens that might feel the above is too harsh. But had parents of these horrible human beings taught their children with love and respect then maybe there might be less of killings such had taken place of this past weekend across the freest nation God ever gave The United States of America.

The laws of the land are here to protect us and for a peaceful life. But when this is not possible due to those who wish to cause havoc then we need to put a stop to it, non-violently of course.  This is was why the United States laws were set up to begin with.

Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Friday, July 26, 2019

Illegal Immigration USA’s big problem

Recently I received an email on an illegal immigrant who is a criminal from his own country and some of the U.S. judges released him on bond and he skipped off to do whatever he wished. Below is an exert from that email information.
Cortez-Moreno, 30, is wanted by the Salvadoran government for multiple egregious crimes, including charges of manslaughter, murder and other crimes with ties to 18th Street Gang activity.
He entered the United States on an unknown date and place without inspection or parole by an immigration officer.  Since June 11, 2015he has been arrested numerous times for immigration law violations. 
On July 9, 2019, the Sacramento County Superior Court dropped the criminal charges against Cortez-Moreno. That day, ERO, (Enforcement Removal Operations), San Francisco arrested Cortez-Moreno outside of the Sacramento County Jail and took him into ICE custody pending immigration removal proceedings.
Is the above why so many of we the citizens of the USA want a border and to prevent illegal immigration. Seems so to me.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party
Mansfield PA 16933

Thursday, July 25, 2019

United We Stand

Below is this weeks article for United We Stand, and we must. Please join us by emailing your address, (used for this only), to receive this and to notify you when our website is up and running. If you wish to receive tomorrows newsletter just email us back. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Congress’ Joke of 2019
The Mueller investigation was a joke. He said nothing and those on the committee did nothing to put a stop to his lies. This was not the first joke that Congress is getting away with.
We also saw cops being doused with buckets of water by punks who have never been taught respect and are most like getting freebies, Healthcare, and college. Why are we the people putting for these types of actions?
It is time for all USA citizens to begin protests through writings, non-violent demonstrations, and calls to those we had elected to represent us. They and the world must learn that the citizens of the United States of America are not people to be messed with! God allowed us to be born in the freest nation in the world. It is time to thank Him by protecting and preserving the magnificent gift that He gave us.
If you agree to help Ida Temple get the word out about this great nation and its deeds by signing up for, “United We Stand.org”, and receive its free newsletter every Friday. If will not only cover an issue affecting our way of lives!
Ida M Temple
United we Stand Founder

Monday, July 22, 2019

Antifa A Terrorist/Communist Group?
Terrorism: the unlawful use or threat of violence especially against the state or the public as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion 2 : violent and intimidating gang activity street terrorism. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/terrorism
Communism - a form of socialism that abolishes private ownership.

Antifa was a terrorist group that was originally created during the 1920/1930s to resist fascism. The group has now turned its efforts against democracy and has begun using the same violent tactics used by Nazi Brownshirts to suppress Jews, Marxists, and anyone else who was anti-fascist. https://www.definitions.net/definition/Antifa
Hench, are some College Professors teaching Communistic ways to American students so as to overthrow the United States of America Government? From all daily reports, it sure seems so!
As you can see by the definitions above, Antifa’s desire is to turn the USA into a communist nation. What better way than to have communist-like professors and teachers showing the young how to destroy their way of life in America!
They should be teaching how and why the colonists came to this nation. Just as some are trying today, back then the people did not want to be controlled or dictated.  For instance, early in this nation citizens became *“indentured servant/slaves”.  
“Many white immigrants arrived in colonial America as indentured servants, usually as young men and women from Britain or Germany, under the age of 21. Typically, the father of a teenager would sign the legal papers, and work out an arrangement with a ship captain, who would not charge the father any money.” *
This writer's fear is that large rich corporations are trying to have citizens become indentured servants, (like Antifa Terrorists) wish to do by abolishing our Constitution so they can dictate how, what, and when the citizens can do as they wish! Do you not fear that the USA will become a Communist Nation?
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

* ”Indentured servants first arrived in America in the decade following the settlement of Jamestown by the Virginia Company in 1607. The idea of indentured servitude was born of a need for cheap labor.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

No Protection for USA Citizens?

It does not seem to stop. Abolish ICE, abolish ICE. Is it because young people know very little about our nation and how to protect it? Have they bothered to check on the immigrants crossing our border, especially those involved with the Cartels or those that could care less about laws?

Congress granted ICE a unique combination of civil and criminal authorities to better protect national security and public safety in answer to the tragic events of 9/11.
In March 2003, the Homeland Security Act set into motion what would be the single-largest government reorganization since the creation of the Department of Defense.

ICE, executes its mission through the enforcement of more than 400 federal statutes, focusing on preventing terrorism, immigration enforcement and combating transnational crime.

As a law enforcement advocate, I cannot help but wonder where this great nation and its citizens would be if there were no cops, let alone the ICE agency?

Because some are pushing to become elected to Congress or the next President they are pushing for free college, healthcare, among other things. They want more progressive things for citizens and illegal immigrants, such as $15 an hour wage hike, open borders without background checks and overlooking human trafficking, or so it seems. Is this what you the American citizen really desire for this gift God gave us?
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Ice Director Hoffman grilled by Congress

Recently former ICE Director Hoffman was grilled in Congress. It appeared that those doing the questioning would not give him a chance to explain ICE’s policy or the law of the land. He was not allowed to speak on what he knew about the border. He said, “The Democrats do not want to hear the truth”.: www.foxnews.comAuthorities in Colorado restored an American flag to its place Friday evening after protesters demonstrating outside a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility pulled down the star-spangled banner and flew the flag of Mexico in its place.The protesters also removed a “Blue Lives Matter” flag, honoring law enforcement, spray-painted it with the words “Abolish ICE,” then raised the flag upside-down, on a pole next to the Mexican flag, according to local media. www.foxnews.comNone of us want to face the truth because most of the time it is real and often hurts. But without the truth the United States of America might be destroyed by those who care more about themselves than the citizens of this nation that elected and trusted those in Congress to do what was right and lawful in representing the peopleSome in Congress follow Hillary Clintons and Nancy Pelosi’s words of “Do not open doors': Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi tell illegal immigrants how to AVOID being arrested in ICE raids due that began this past weekend on Trump's orders.

Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Saturday, June 22, 2019

United We Stand

United We Stand is an organization for the people and by the people. It was begun so that the citizens of God’s gift, the United States of America, shall always remain free from those who wish to control this nation and its citizens.

Our goal is to have as many citizens in this organization as we can so that our voices are loud, clear, and endless!

The originator, Ida M Temple, has been involved in some way or another on keeping the United States free and secure for the future generations, (the children). 

If you agree please join her with your voices and if you so desire to belong to this free organization then send you email address, (used for this only) to Ida at the email address below.  

It will be coming out on Fridays beginning with next Friday, June 28, 2019.

The more voices we have the more noise we make!

Ida M Temple

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A Christian Pennsylvanian’s Outrage

Having been born in Philadelphia and then had to move up to northern PA in a rural, I take offense of this newly elected legislator; Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell called the Christian prayer a direct example of “Islamophobia.”
Christianity has been here ever since the death of Christ who died for our sins; all people. If she has a problem with Christianity, then maybe she and her family should return to Islamic countries. I cannot help but wonder why the came here. Would they be allowed to speak freely without repercussions?
This woman has a right to her opinions just as I have with this article. It is not putting her down but defending my faith and how so many Christians keep turning the other cheek.
Christians have one solid foundation; “Love everybody no matter their nationality, race, or gender.”
I have tried to do this in my life. At the age of 79 I become frustrated when those who do not like Americans and want to destroy this nation and turn it into a Socialist/Communist nation is almost more than I can bear.
I forgive this young woman and hope she does well without condemning those of other religions or nationalities.
Our forefathers came to America because they were told what to do and how to do it and had to follow what others said they must do or else, just as this young woman is trying to do today in 2019.
Overbearing politicians was the reason the Constitution was written and passed. I thank my God every day for this great gift he gave to human beings.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Friday, March 29, 2019

The Green New Deal

It seems like we the people of the United States have been hearing for some time now, the Green New Deal. It seems that the most recent elected Congresswoman have nothing else better to do that try to change what Mother Nature and God is doing.
Below is a definition of just what the Green New Deal is.
As you see it is nothing but a way to spend taxpayer’s money for something that most humans know that we can do little about the climate.
The Green New Deal (GND) is a proposed stimulus program that aims to address climate change and economic inequality. ... The Green New Deal combines Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_New_Deal
According to the Sierra Club, the Green New Deal is an economic plan to tackle the twin crises of inequality and climate change. This mobilizes public resources from exploitation to dignified work and clean energy.
This is not to say we should do nothing. However, my belief is that most of the climate is driven by Mother Nature and God. We the people can help it along somewhat, but we must not mess with Mother Nature or God.
Ida M Temple

Mansfield Tea Party

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Protecting America and its Citizens.

The President’s and Congress’ job are to protect the USA and its citizens. How? By incarcerating those who wish to do harm to us and by not allowing undocumented aliens into our nation. The only way to do this is to have a tall wall along every foot of the southern border.
The President states on the White House site the following;
a. The southern border is the primary entry point into the United States for deadly drugs like cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine.
b. Tens of thousands of innocent American lives are being lost every year as drugs pour across our border – with more than 70,000 overdose deaths in 2017 alone.
c. In the past two fiscal years, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records.
d. CBP saw an 81 percent increase in apprehended aliens affiliated with MS-13 in FY 2018.

The above is sound proof of why the United States needs a southern border. I am sad that we must do this but no matter who you are and where you come from, we must obey the laws of the land. Not only that but there are many immigrants wanting to come to the United States who are waiting in line. Of course, they are having problems entering our nation due to the number of illegal immigrants who refuse to obey our laws and cross the southern border without authority; in other words, those entering have not been granted entrance and is in the thousands and are keeping law-abiding people of all races and countries from entering.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea party

Sunday, March 24, 2019


Although Anti-Semitism began in 1913 to stop bigotry against the Jewish people, it also wanted prejudices stopped against all religion and/or people who are not White. Bigotry still prevails because those that are bigoted are not teaching the young about America or other nations history.
All of us tend to believe what we hear until facts prove otherwise; such as some Democrats are pushing. That is the biggest problem in the world and especially my birth country, the United States of America.
My being born in this America was a gift from God. As such, I love and respect this magnificent gift I was given. This is not to say that I must always agree with what the USA says or does. When I do disagree, I should do something about it, like this article and in voting out those who do not honor our nation and its citizens.
I organized the Mansfield Tea Party with the above in mind. Although we are a small rural college town in north central Pennsylvania, this does not mean that we are prejudice or ignorant. Those who have joined this organization are willing to work for and with all citizens. We do not judge those by their ancestry or religion.
Under God we have all be given a heart, brain, and soul and it is up to us to respect this gift and do good with it.
May God bless all USA citizens and those in other countries.
Ida M Temple
Mansfield Tea Party


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Protecting Free Speech

Judge Janine Pirro seems to have been fired from Fox News because of her speaking about Muslims/Islam. Apparently, conglomerates such as the Fox Network does not agree with some of their commentators so they fire them and begin replacing with Progressives.
I ask that everyone who reads this blog to boycott the Fox Network showing them that they cannot take away free speech or listening to others who we and they might disagree with.
It only takes one rich company or person to disagree with another's views before we will end up losing our own free speech.
It is up to all of us to put a stop to the wealthy rich companies and people by not supporting them.
Thank you for viewing this blog today.
Ida Temple

Thank you | Stand With Tucker

Thank you | Stand With Tucker: Enough! We have had enough of the hateful, well funded and orchestrated smear campaigns designed to silence conservative ...

Debate over the Electoral College

Recently some Politicians wanting to be President have mentioned the Electoral College and that it should be abolished.

The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Your state’s entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation: one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two for your Senators.

1.. The first part of the process is controlled by the political parties in each state and varies from state to state. Generally, the parties either nominate slates of potential Electors at their state party conventions or they chose them by a vote of the party's central committee. This happens in each state for each party by whatever rules the state party and (sometimes) the national party have for the process. This first part of the process results in each Presidential candidate having their own unique slate of potential Electors.

2. The second part of the process happens on Election Day. When the voters in each state cast votes for the Presidential candidate of their choice they are voting to select their state's Electors. The potential Electors' names may or may not appear on the ballot below the name of the Presidential candidates, depending on election procedures and ballot formats in each *state.
*Check with your own state to discover the procedures for the ballot and voting.

The Electoral College was chosen for two reasons. One, it was between the voters and the selection of a President. Secondly, It gave power to the smaller states.

There are two ways of changing the system. The first a constitutional amendment, the second action at a state level. A constitutional amendment is seen as impossible to achieve. It would require 3/4 of the states to approve it.

There does seem to be one viable proposal, and that is to get states to agree to direct their electors to vote for whoever wins the popular vote. The plan is called the Electoral College Pact. Already ten states plus the District of Columbia have enacted legislation to accomplish this. 

As you can see politicians;( depending on their affiliation), might want to disband the Electoral College.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Too Many Democrat Choices

There are so many politicians in the Democratic Party that they confuse the voters. Who to choose?
Because the democrats hate Pres. Trump, they have many running in 2020 Presidential Election.
Sadly, they are so far left that they are sounding more for themselves than a good representation of the citizens and the United States. It’s not what we can do for you, it is almost what we must accept from them in keeping America safe and secure.
For those who are saying, Oh she’s a Republican and a Conservative. Yes, you are correct. However, before I am a Republican, I am a conservative and want to see this nation as it was intended to be; free for every generation.
I was once a Democrat until I realized that this party wanted to give everything away to foreigners and the rich.
It seems as if they believe that the middle class and poor must take a back seat and do what they are told!
I love this gift, God gave me and want to see that it remains free and unencumbered; in other words, left to make our own decisions.
If you agree you must remember that freedom is not free unless each person works to ensure that the United The states of America remains that way and respected by the world.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party
P.S. Join us in making sure that the 2020 Primaries and Presidential election is run fair and square.