Friday, December 28, 2018

A Possible Illegal at it again

Another police officer was murdered the day after Christmas in California, a sanctuary state. The murderer is supposedly another illegal immigrant. He is still on the loose as of this writing.
When will all Americans stand up with cops and get rid of the politicians that are only interested in power, never the citizens of this great nation and often defend illegal immigrants?
I have had it with states and cities believing that those of us who wish ALL illegal immigrants removed from this county are bigoted. We love this nation and wish to keep it safe. Citizens that break the laws are treated more harshly than those who enter our country illegally and break most of our laws?
The answer is to fire every politician that is now in office and start over as if we are a brand-new country. It is up to u, we the people, who run this nation and follow and preserve our laws. If we refuse to do this then we deserve whatever we get, that includes a country run by dictators.
Just as Jesus had to say no to requests because of having to help others, so we the people of the United States of America must do likewise to protect the voiceless, (children), citizens.
May God bless us all.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Thursday, December 6, 2018

When we are free

Since this nation was born, we the people, (citizens), have had freedoms that very few other nations citizens have enjoyed.
Have we taken these freedoms too far? For example, Freedom of Speech. By this I mean do we ignore politeness, compassion for another, and the right to say whatever we feel like saying!
When I was much younger, I too had to learn the hard way of the words that came out of my mouth, especially whenever around the children. Many times, children repeated what I had just said. Once time I used a bad word and when I finished talking my best friend’s son repeated this bad word. Needless to say I learned how to be careful of the words I used.
Today we have TV programs that do the same thing. The hosts condemn what they believe is wrong with our country and do not refrain from the negativity that they spew out. And the TV owners do not care about how they and their programs influence the young public, it is all about money.
“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version (KJV)
Sadly, the above is more truth than most of us wish to hear. Do you feel that way too?.
Ida M Temple

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Do most of the Democrats want a Communistic Country?

As of this writing it seems to this writer that many Democrats want complete control of this country and its citizens. They want to decide what is good for us and what is not.
Citizens elect representatives, federal and state, for protection from outsiders, and those who wish to abolish our laws set by the Constitution.
Why is it that Conservatives are the ones who cause trouble for others? Just what is Conservatism?  As a general ideologyConservatism is opposed to the ideals of Liberalism and Socialism. Conservatism generally refers to right-wing politics which advocate the preservation of personal wealth and private ownership (Capitalism) and emphasize self-reliance and Individualism.
It is time for all citizens to stand up to protect this nation from those who will not follow our laws or sneak over our borders, south and north. When you wish to come to any country you must follow their laws and learn their language. It is called comprising or coming together for a common cause, the laws.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Another Vicious Attack

By now almost all Americans have heard about the slaughter at a Synogue in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Ever since President Trump has been in office there have been such attacks. This time the Jewish people had to take the blunt of the bigoted hatefulness against our President and citizens of this great nation.
To top it off the president invited young blacks to the white house. And the President was called out negatively by Rev. Al Sharpton on this wonderful act of love.
When viciousness and murders occur in this nation we almost always jump to the politicians as a reason. But no one seems to realize that those who commit such evil acts have always been this way.
From childhood through adulthood these same humans either learned this from their parents, relatives, or friends who were bigoted and preached their own hatred in front of children. Sadly, when the kids hear this over and over they soon are programed to behave this way. The problem is nothing is ever done to put a stop to hatefulness and violence when shown in a child.
It is time that the United States begin to place those who commit such acts away for life, whether a young person or an adult. When we condone or turn the other way on the bad attitudes of people then the only ones we can blame is ourselves.
“He that spareth his rod hateh his son: but he that loveth his son chastens him early.
Provers 13:24, (KJ Bible),
Trust me my Mom was not afraid to spank us, but she seldom did. From her and Dad we learned respect, care for others, and last but not least love. I thank God that I was so fortunate to have such great parents. They were not perfect, but they did teach us well!
Ida Temple

Thursday, October 25, 2018

“What goes around comes around”

May God bless and protect this gift He gave to the citizens of the United States of America. We need to agree to disagree with words, not violence.
The last few days event should be enough evidence that when we use language of “Collateral Damage,” such as Hillary Clinton said a few days ago, then it might come back to bite us, no matter the party. What does Collateral Damage mean, “security or guarantee?” My interpretation, there is a guarantee that our security could be in trouble.

This is not to say that I want harm to come to those who had disagreed with Conservatives. This type of event will harm all Americans.
Free speech is one thing but when we wish to silence those who disagree by any means possible then no one no matter the political party is safe. Nobody should stand still for this or be proud that some nut took violent means to shut up opponents.
Since the birth of the United States political parties have seldom agreed with each other. And often, if we listened to our opponents, we might receive ideas on how to make this nation stronger.
People, no matter your party or religion do not use violence or intimidation to have others agree with you. It might end up in your lap, like holding a tiger that will have you for lunch.

Ida Temple

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Violent Kids

The past two days photos and news reports had shown kids holding guns at two kids laying on the ground. They were in a band and the band leader did nothing to put a stop to such horrible actions. Of course, when adults allow children from the time they can speak up and argue with them or misbehave then these types of problems will manifest itself into horrible outcomes.
What happen to today’s adults? Why will they not be the adult and tach the children respect, compassion and how to compromise in some given situations.
As a senior citizen I remember when as a child I did not respect a person or property then Mom would discipline me. Usually it was being sent to my bedroom; (no TV then or anything else), to think about my actions. And if it was destroying property then we were taken to the property’s owner and made to apologize and forced to fix what we may have broken, or have it replaced, and it would be taken out of any money we might be given.
As for bad language or speaking rudely to another Mom would threaten us with “Do you want your mouth rinsed out with soap?”  We did not want that, so we did our best to behave when around Mom, otherwise we often forgot about the punishment and did the same thing again, until we got the message loud and clear. Kids like to play and when that is taken away then they soon will learn their lesson.
This is not to say that we did the right thing all the time, however. And when Mom was told about what we had done the consequences were often worse than our misbehavior. No friends, no socializing, or playing outside. Children will be children and as such need to learn good behavior, not I can do whatever I want.
Today it seems as if many children rule this world instead of the adults who should be the teachers in setting good examples.
God gave us a brain, but do we use it for the best reasons?
Ida M Temple

Monday, October 1, 2018

Democratic Congress has nothing better to do!

It is getting old with Judge Brett Kavanaugh; if he did it or not to that poor woman. Now that the democrats, especially Cory Booker whose teenage years were not innocent, the FBI will investigate again the Judge’s past.

Jealousy raised its ugly head again. The democrats are so envious of the outpouring by the citizens for the President as well as the Judge, that they do not know what to do next. Get over it and move on, children!

The Democrats have always been sore losers and probably will be to the end of time. I pity those who have never grown up to be adults. It is never easy being an adult, but you show patience, gratitude, and the willingness to accept what the citizens desire, not what you, or the big money backers wanted.

All Americans must accept the decisions of the masses, even when we might disagree. Our time will come to make a difference, too.

Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Saturday, September 29, 2018

We the People

The above title is used quite often by me and many others. It tells the world who Americans are and relates that we stand up for our nation and will do whatever we can to preserve and protect it; non-violently.
Ida Temple has been writing opinionated pieces for over five years. The desire is to relate to readers that she is not telling them what to do but giving them ideas on how to protect their children, themselves, and the great nation of the United States of America.
As adults we must leave positive footsteps for the young to follow. We need to listen to what we say, how we say it, and what we really stand for. For doing nothing is like quagmire, the less we do the more we sink. Is this what we desire for the children of America, let alone of this world?
Ida M Temple
Mansfield Tea Party
Mansfield PA 16933

Monday, September 17, 2018

Dirty Politics?

With the recent allegation against Judge Kavanaugh when he was a teenager is ludicrous. Most of us wonder why it took so long for the senator who is now old like I am, waited until the hearing for him was almost over. Was she, and the Democrats, so envious because many citizens like him and want to see him in the U.S. Supreme Court?

Today, there are very few adults who did uncouth things when they were kids, teens or younger. I know I have done things that if my Mom knew she would have disciplined me good.

I wonder how much she was paid to come out and say this. It has been noted recently that some citizens were paid to cause havoc at Judge Kavanaugh’s hearings. How can we believe that this Professor was not paid to relate something that happened over thirty years ago when she was a teenager, whether it is true or not?

I watched his testimony and he came across as someone who would work with the Constitution and the laws of the land, whether federal or state laws.

Like the judge I am Catholic and a Conservative. And at one time was a Democrat. But when it got to where this party assisted those who lied, cheated, and stole form the citizens and this nation then I changed parties. When we do not make those, who break the laws and hold them responsible then I fear that this nation is doomed.

Should not all of us be held responsible for our actions, not matter what they may be?

Ida M Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Mansfield PA

Friday, September 14, 2018

As you can see from the above photo these highly paid football players are taken advantage of those of us who love this nation, faults and all.
The following quote, as well as the above photo, was taken from
When are we the people going to put a stop to this thievery from those who have everything and show disrespect from the citizens who go to their games and pay their wages? Sports fans need to stop going to these games and in not buying their sports items. after all the rest of us that get fired for disrespectful attitudes soon regret it and change our attitudes to a positive one, not a negative.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Thank you, First Responders and their Families of 911

I dedicate this page and thank the first responders that survived the terrorist’s attacks on our nation. They did not hesitate to run towards danger to rescue and save those who were in harm's way on Sept. 11, 2001.
To the families who lost a loved one that rushed for the Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon in Washington D. C. and Shanksville Pennsylvania, rest in peace that your loved ones are safe and in heaven and along with God are watching over you as well as the rest of the citizens of this nation, the United States of America.
We often take it for granted cops, firemen/women and their paramedics who rush in where you and I fear to go. It takes more courage than most of us have. For this reason, I humbly ask all those who might be reading this message to go up to the cops in your area as well as the fire department’s men and women and thank them. That is the least that we who do not have their courage can do to show how much we appreciate them and their families. For without them this nation would not survive!
I applaud you the police officers, firemen/women, and paramedics for caring for this nation and its citizens.
May God Bless you and your families!
Ida M Temple
Mansfield Tea Party, Pennsylvania

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Americans get arrested but Illegals are set free of crimes

It is interesting how many politicians, especially Mayors of most of America's cities, free illegals but if an American did the same crime then they would be jailed. What is wrong with this picture?
No matter your nationality, or where you came from, if you break America's laws then you should be jailed and if possible deported if you came here by sneaking across the border.
This attitude tells me that those who are illegal do not care for anyone but themselves. Granted there are a lot of citizens of America that behave the same way, and they are not better than the illegals.
The Constitution gives us the opportunity to be free and treat everyone equally. Where does it say that when we break the law that we are just as good as those who honor our laws and do the best they can as a citizen and a human being?
God gave us this great nation to honor, respect and to be free. When the politicians treat the illegals better than those citizens they are supposed to represent, is this equal?
Ida M Temple

Mansfield Tea Party

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


It is time for citizens to get off their butts and put a stop to the disrespect and harm that many politicians and many of the young in order to destroy this nation. As the organizer of a new organization, United We Stand. I, Ida M Temple, will do all that I can to put a screeching halt to the hypocrisy and hatefulness.
Sadly I, like others, care about this great nation and will write, call and vote out those, as well as denounce those behaving like sheep in following what the Socialists/Communists are trying to do in destroying this gift that we the citizens have been given.
We all have a right to disagree with others but when we do we should be doing it with the facts that we have found on whatever we are complaining about.
How many of the young, as well as some older citizens, honestly have the actual facts on whatever it is they dislike or want some kicked out of this nation?
Will you join me in this organization's goal for our voices and votes to matter?
Ida M Temple

United We Stand

Monday, September 3, 2018

Opioid Crisis in America

By all reports, the United States has an Opioid Crisis. Supposedly it began with doctors who had overprescribed this addictive drug to their patients for pain. Who do we blame, doctors or the patients who lied to receive these almost free drugs?
Below is a statement that President Trump made on August 29th about this addictive and deadly product.
“So today, in honor of the 20-year anniversary of the Drug-Free Communities Support Program grant awards, President Trump announced $91 million in grants to a record 731 local drug prevention groups across all 50 states. “We’ve never done anything to this extent. We’ve never done anything this large.”
To find out where these paid programs are in your state or city just go to search and type in the name of your city or state.
In my home state of Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Wolf received a second grant from the federal government to fight the above crisis. The $26.5 million he received will be used for the insured and uninsured for the treatment of their drug habits.
Who do we blame for this crisis? To begin with, the doctors who over-prescribed the addictive Opioids and the patients who want to live in an untroubled world. It might be nice to have no problems at all. However, to me, it would be a rather dull life and the world. Do you not agree?
Ida has started a new organization, United We Stand, with a free newsletter. if you wish to have the newsletter and/or join this organization just send her your email address.

Ida M Temple 
United We Stand Organization

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Below is my first newsletter on matters of the United States of America and its citizens. If you would like to receive this newsletter free, just send me your email and I will get it out to your right away. This is the only purpose for your address.

“If Divided We Will Fall”

Thank you for viewing this newsletter.
Today, August 31, 2018, this newsletter is written and soon to be published with love for the greatest nation God ever gave to us and to protect it for the children who are the future.
This great gift from God should not be taken for granted. We must show our appreciation with love, patience, and in protecting it for the children.
The author will do all she can to provide the most important updates on what or what not our federal, state, and local governments are doing. You might find some negative items, but the desire is to produce only the most positive updates for the citizens of the greatest nation in the world. For instance, the below paragraphs;
President Trump’s candidate for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, is a conservative who has promised to uphold the Constitution and rule by it.
Quote by President Trump;
“What matters is not a judge’s political views, but whether they can set aside those views to do what the law and the Constitution require. I am pleased to say that I have found, without doubt, such a person.”
I agree with the above quote. We need those in our government, and in our courts, who will follow the same advice and do the will of the Constitution and the citizens.
Weekly Quote:
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing”
By all reports, the United States has an Opioid Crisis. Supposedly it began with doctors who had overprescribed this addictive drug to their patients for pain. Who do we blame, doctors or the patients who lied to receive these almost free drugs?
Below is a statement that President Trump made on August 29th about this addictive and deadly product.
“So today, in honor of the 20-year anniversary of the Drug-Free Communities Support Program grant awards, President Trump announced $91 million in grants to a record 731 local drug prevention groups across all 50 states. “We’ve never done anything to this extent. We’ve never done anything this large.”
To find out where these paid programs are in your state or city just go to search and type in the name of your city or state.
In my home state of Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Wolf received a second grant from the federal government to fight the above crisis. The $26.5 million he received will be used for the insured and uninsured for the treatment of their drug habits.
Who do we blame for this crisis? To begin with, the doctors who over-prescribed the addictive Opioids and the patients who want to live in an untroubled world. It might be nice to have no problems at all. However, to me, it would be a rather dull life and the world. Do you not agree?

Next week we will be tackling the Judge Kavanaugh hearings and hopefully his acceptance to the United States Supreme Court 
Postscript: Please tell your friends and family to sign up for this newsletter. The more people who stand up the better success we will have of those we elect. 

Ida M Temple - 
100 Sherwood St – 
Mansfield, PA – 16933 -I

Monday, August 27, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance is one motto of the United States of America

From Fox News, it was reported that a CT chairman of a Connecticut school district's board of education stated, and I quote, “He doesn't pledge allegiance to anything and supports "principles on which the country was founded."
Question, “How can he support the principles that this country was founded on?”
If we do not like this country and its mottos or principles, then maybe this man, as well as others, should leave.
The pledge, the flag, and our constitution; the groundwork that our forefathers worked diligently to put together and to be respected, should be respected. If it hadn’t been for them then maybe all of us should think about where we would be if this had not happened.
Are some trying to rule the socialist/communist way? Do they want all citizens on their knees and do as they are told, (ordered or else)?
Agreeing to disagree is one thing but wanting to destroy this nation is unacceptable. The man above, or athletes that are paid millions of dollars because of citizens attending their games, should be ashamed as to what they are teaching the children who might be looking up to them and following their ways! Is that not how many countries under a dictatorship was born?
Ida Temple

Mansfield PA

Thursday, August 23, 2018

America the Beautiful

The United States of America is so beautiful, plus it is great no matter what politicians or citizens may say or believe. We will always help others who will help themselves but will not be taken advantage by the rest of the world! Turning the other cheek only goes so far; until pushed into the ground!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Ice's Update

Below is one of many updates that I receive on a daily basis on how we are being protected by ICE

Fort Worth man sentenced to life in prison for sex trafficking children

FORT WORTH, Texas — A Fort Worth man was sentenced Monday to life in federal prison for sex trafficking underage girls.
This sentence was announced by Erin Nealy Cox U.S. Attorney of the Northern District of Texas.  This case was investigated by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI); the FBI; and the Texas police departments of Fort Worth, Tyler and Arlington.
Following a four-day trial in April 2018, Pierre Lagrone, aka “P” or “Pedro,” 34, and co-conspirators, Herman Sanders, aka “Pooh,” 29, and Demarcus Davis, aka “Zigg,” 26, were found guilty for their roles in a conspiracy to sex traffic underage girls. Lagrone was sentenced July 23 to life in federal prison.  Sanders was previously sentenced before U.S. District Judge Reed C. O’Connor to 420 months; Davis is scheduled for sentencing July 30.
According to evidence presented at trial, Lagrone and Davis were violent pimps who recruited, controlled and profited off underage female victims through commercial sex acts. Lagrone and Davis recruited and advertised underage female victims for commercial sex acts. The defendants communicated with potential clients, collected proceeds, and paid for motels rooms and supplies. Lagrone and Davis kept almost all, if not all, the proceeds of the commercial sex acts, providing only food, shelter and occasional clothing to the underage female victims. Sanders conspired with and assisted Lagrone in this sex trafficking.
Assistant U.S. Attorneys P.J. Meitl and Nicole Dana, Northern District of Texas, were in charge of the prosecution.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Americans Speaking Up - Classified Ad

Americans Speaking Up - Classified Ad

FDA Warning on Ritz Crackers

Below is a product warning that I received on July 23, 2018 from FDA about Ritz Crackers.

Mondelez Global LLC Conducts Voluntary Recall of Certain Ritz Cracker Sandwiches and Ritz Bits Product in the U.S., including Puerto Rico & U.S. Virgin Islands Due to Possible Health Risk
EAST HANOVER, NJ - July 21, 2018 - Mondelez Global LLC announced today a voluntary recall in the United States, including Puerto Rico & the U.S. Virgin Islands, of certain Ritz Cracker Sandwiches and Ritz Bits product.  These products contain whey powder as an ingredient, which the whey powder supplier has recalled due to the potential presence of Salmonella.   Salmonella is a microorganism that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with Salmonella can result in the organism getting into the bloodstream and producing more severe illnesses such as arterial infections (i.e., infected aneurysms), endocarditis and arthritis.  This recall is limited exclusively to the products listed in the grid below, available at retail stores nationwide.  No other Mondelez Global LLC product is included in this recall.
The following Product are included in the recall, followed by their UPC Number, and Use by Date:

0 44000 00677 8
07 MAR 19 thru 13 APR 19

0 44000 02025 5
07 MAR 19  thru 13 APR 19

0 44000 02032 3
08 MAR 19 thru 13 APR 19

0 44000 01309 7
03 MAR 19 thru 13 APR 19

1.5 OZ
0 44000 00929 8
03 MAR 19 thru 13 APR 19

0 44000 03215 9
07 MAR 19 thru 12 APR 19
0 44000 88211 2
14 JAN 19 thru 
11 FEB 19
0 44000 00211 4
14 JAN 19 thru 11 FEB 19

0 44000 04566 1
05 FEB 19
06 FEB 19

0 44000 04567 8
05 FEB 19
06 FEB 19

0 44000 04577 7
04 FEB 19
05 FEB 19

0 44000 04578 4
04 FEB 19
05 FEB 19

0 44000 04579 1
06 FEB 19
07 FEB 19
08 FEB 19

0 44000 04580 7
06 FEB 19
07 FEB 19
08 FEB 19

0 44000 04100 7
01 FEB 19 thru 04 FEB 19

0 44000 04221 0

Below this FDA update was sent to me on July 23, 2018. As someone who eats Ritz Crackers, I am concerned about their safety and wanted to let others know about this warning.

31 JAN 19 thru 05 FEB 19
There have been no complaints of illness reported to Mondelez Global to date in connection with these products.  The company is conducting this recall as a precaution, based on the ingredient supplier's recall.   Consumers who have these products should not eat them, and should discard any products they may have.  Consumers can contact the company at 1-844-366 -1171, 24 hours a day to get more information about the recall, and Consumer Relations specialists are available Monday-Friday, 9am to 6pm EST.  This recall is being conducted with the knowledge of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 

Contact: Laurie Guzzinati  847-943-5678

Friday, July 20, 2018

Who is behind the violent protests?

Every news item and update on the protests going on in the United States seemed to be violent and want to destroy this great nation, beginning with the burning of our national symbol, our beautiful red, white, and blue FLAG!
My next statement, I am a white female, will be construed as being bigoted, which I have never been. However, I do judge others by their actions, (character), and words, no matter who they are.
The most recent such action as mentioned above was by a group of young people, most were black, as they burned the flag in front of Maxine Waters office in California. I can only assume that she is proud of teaching the young people, no matter their race, on how to be disrespectful, rude, and ignorant.
This is not to say they do not have a right to free speech, but they do not have a right to destroy another’s property such as the U.S. Flag which belongs to the citizens of this great nation that God allowed all of us to be born in.
Who is to blame for such bad behavior? I guess we can start with parents, celebrities, other adults, and of course those that were elected by the people as a representative for all citizens.
We need to go back to when I was a young person in the fifties. If I had behaved the way they do today my mother would have taken action, immediately. We would have been disciplined, no fun time, friends, TV, etc. We would have been stopped in our tracks and taught American History and the polite correct way to go about protesting.
My parents, Dad was a Republican and Mom a Democrat, taught us to argue.
Most of today’s young are used to almost free college, free room and board, food, etc. But because we now have a President that believes that we should earn our way this makes those that receive freebies mad and want Pres. Trump impeached.
Oh, and we cannot forget that the Democrats lost the election and are catering to the young and other citizens for now! If they had won then it would not be much different than what is being done today.
The Democrats appear to be selling their souls to become elected. And if they had then those who believed could have ended up regretting it because the Democrats would be pulling the strings and making all of us dance to their tune!
If the protesters were mainly white I would be saying the same thing. No matter our race we must set positive mannerly examples for the young to follow. As an old saying goes “The apple does not fall far from the tree.” How true that quotes is today!

Saturday, July 14, 2018

“Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer"?

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" is exactly what it states. Apparently, many of the Democrats, especially the young, have not. They seem to want to bring the United States citizens to their knees and control every aspect of their lives. God is the only one we should kneel down to!
President Trump did not get as far as he has by ignoring the above-quoted statement. When we ignore others around us, or near us, then we will end up with a rude awakening. And we will blame others instead of facing the truth about ourselves and our mistakes!
President Trump is doing the best he can while going upstream, so to speak, in defeating the whirlpools that he has to face and swim around them.
Why are those that we the people elected have such a difficult time in respecting and working with the man the citizens voted for to lead this nation.? Could it be Envy or outright jealousy?
People, we need to protect this gift God gave us, United States of America, with every step, voice, and vote we have. For when we quit so will this nation!
Ida Temple

Mansfield Tea Party

Sunday, July 1, 2018

So, You Want Socialism

Below are two of the most important definitions that were taken from, 
Socialism is a system of society or group living in which there is no private property and a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state.
In other socialism is a form of the government or rich people controlling those of us that are average and earn a little to support our families and ourselves in what is needed.
Democracy is a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
The reason for the above definitions is not for the elderly, for we were raised in a democracy, but for the young who may not have been taught by their own parents or through schooling. They should know the difference so they can make the best decisions for the future of the United States of America and its children.
As an elderly conservative, (Republican), I am concerned about America’s future, not so much for myself but for my great nieces who are still children. I fear that they will be living under the above first definition and never realize what it is to speak their heart and mind.
If you feel this way, please think about some of your decisions to see if they will protect the children in your family.
God gave us the great nation and we must ask for Him to keep blessing us and keeping the children and uneducated amongst us safe, this includes all legal immigrants, just as my Grandmother was three centuries who had to stop at Elis Island to be checked out.
Ida Temple

Monday, June 25, 2018

MS13 – A Terrorists Group

Terrorists – So-called human beings that use coercion, abuse, murder to force others to join their organization. Is this not what the MS13 organization is?

MS13 began in El Salvador and ended up in Los Angeles in the 1980’s. Since then this murderous gang is across the country.

MS-13’s motto is “mata, viola, controla” – which means "kill, rape, control," according to Robert Hur, an official with the Justice Department.

The above explanations are just that, my research and want to know just who this horrible gang is. Why can they run rampant throughout the United States of America?

Having lived in the Los Angeles area, Pico Rivera to be exact, I saw the influx of immigrants, legal and illegal. The only ones that spoke English were the children in these families. The adults couldn’t or wouldn’t.

Then as now, the Americans were accused of being bigoted. And of course, the same theme back then as now was America is an immigrant nation and discovered by immigrants.

Although the above is so true, my grandmother was an immigrant child from Germany, this does not mean that people, immigrants or citizens, disrespect others and the nation they immigrant too.

Do you believe those we have elected fear MS13, as well as all immigrants, or do they desire to remain in office, so they ignore the problems from such horrible people just to be elected?

My fear is that this may be true and that the American children are doomed to live in a peaceful nation where they will be free to speak, vote and enjoy life to the fullest without the fear of being gang-banged on or murdered because they refuse to join a gang, no matter the gang.

Ida Temple

Mansfield Tea Party

Friday, June 22, 2018

Paula's Choice Skincare - Classified Ad

Paula's Choice Skincare - Classified Ad
Americans Disrespectful Attitude

This article is my concern on how the young people of today disrespect the United States and the citizens who disagree with them. 
On Flag Day, Thursday, June 14th, Fox news showed two young people, their heads, and faces covered, torching a Flag at a school. As they ran away all you saw were the pair wearing hoodies and running from the burning flag. Where did they learn such disrespect for, not only the flag, but another’s property, (taxpayer and government)? Young people, you need to watch your language, and anger when you do not have your way and end up taking out on this God-given nation, for "what goes around comes around".
It is time to send those who are hateful to our democracy, the Constitution, and the representations, to a place like China, Cuba, or any Communistic nation so they can learn all about freedom of speech and protests. Do you or others think the two young boys of the above situation would get away with destroying a flag if they lived in another country?
The new government in 1789 established the Constitution of the United States for the citizen's rights over the governments. It allows we the people free speech along with other rights. But when free speech includes burning our flag, abolishing the Constitution, (as some in Congress wish to do), or disrespect for this nation and its people, then may God help the U.S. 
Then as now, there were those who believed they could do whatever they wished, such as disrespecting another, invading somebody’s property, practice their religion, and above all the right to vote.
Our nation was young and experienced some growing pains. Citizens did not always agree with each other or the government and the laws they established. Because of this, there were two significant wars, the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.
God gifted us this nation and He can take it away. If we do not enforce the laws of the land and punish those who wish to destroy it, then is it not time for God to say enough is enough?
We must preserve, respect, and leave positive actions for the children of this great nation to follow; ("the apple does not fall far from the tree"!), so when they reach adulthood they too can enjoy the same freedoms of today. Do you not agree?

Ida M Temple

Mansfield Tea Party

P.S. I place a link of an ad that whoever uses it and buys we receive commissions which will go to help the Mansfield Tea Party to begin setting up town hall meetings with the candidates of our district, (the 68 district).  The Skincare products are made in America.
Ida Temple thanks you for your support

Friday, January 5, 2018

Is illegal immigration that important?

On Jan. 3, 2018, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement reported that in Columbus Ohio members of MS 13 were charged with numerous crimes including intimidation, drug sales and owning arms and ammunition. Many were deported and then returned. Does this not mean we need to pay more attention to the illegal immigrants who have entered this nation, the United States of America, by any means possible to rob, murder, and steal (benefits meant for citizens only.
Some here illegally.Most liberals do not want a wall built to keep out those who come here illegally. The liberals and the ACLU believe those who wish the wall to be built are racists. But will not condemn those illegal immigrants who do not commit crimes and refuse to let the federal government know who is in the MS-13 gang.
Those who wish to protect the above need to show empathy for those victims and their families who have bee harmed and murdered by the murderous group. Having been robbed at knifepoint I know what it is like to be afraid of being harmed or murdered.
Those liberals who protect illegals, including the sanctuary cities, need to fire their bodyguards that they hide behind and join the citizen whose only protection is themselves and the police who are so willing to give up their lives for strangers.
If you agree with the above statement then stand behind the wall building and deporting of illegal immigrants. We need to allow immigrants who are waiting on a list to enter our nation, they deserve much more than the ACLU the liberals are giving to gang-bangers and all illegal immigrants